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Rockbridge County PSA


pay now

Pay in a few easy steps.

Enter your account information and submit to view your balance and payment instructions.

  • Service Type:

  • Account Number:

  • Phone (last 4 digits):

Important Notice:

If your service has been disconnected, ensure to check the portal for the latest balance information before proceeding with any payment. ******************************************************************** Please note that when a service has reached disconnection status, a $60.00 fee will be added to the account. To restore service, the total balance must be settled either in cash or by card. ******************************************************************** For same-day reconnection, it is imperative that the bill is paid in full before 4:00 p.m. ******************************************************************** To make a payment over the phone, call 540-600-4780.

Contact Information:

Our offices will be closed from noon on Wednesday, November 27th, until November 29th in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. ******************************************************************** Phone:540-463-4329 ******************************************************************* Our regular office hours are Monday-Friday 8:30-5:00.

Please note:

Your password is the last four digits of the phone number listed on your account. If you are having trouble accessing your account, please call the office. ******************************************************************** A convenience fee of $3.50 will be applied for each transaction of up to $300.00. If your total bill exceeds $300.00, multiple transactions will be required.